Whale watching


Have you ever watched a whale? Probably not because the whale is the giant creature on this earth and watching is not that easy. But, Hawaii is a place where every year, whale shows it’s beauty and mesmerize the audience. You can see the 40-ton creature in its environment only at the big island during its movement to Hawaii. However, whale watching Big Island is not available 12 months a year; instead, you have to wait for some specific days for observing their splashes. You must take this experience once in life.

Tips for Whale watching Big Island

While going for watching whale, use some tips that will help you during your stay here. These tips will make you well prepared for the tour.

1. Visit only during whale season

Before setting off to Hawaii, see the whale season first which is from November to May. In November whales start coming to Hawaii, and with each passing day, their number starts increasing and reach its peak in January to march. So, if you want to see massive whales visit in these peak months.

2. Listen to the whales

You can listen to the songs of whales while swimming. But, do this when you have someone experienced with you. Take a breath and go underwater and hold some rock. It can help you listen to the sounds of whales.

3. Best places for Whale watching Big Island

Among all the shores there are some places which are best of whale watching. If you are really serious about watching whales then north Kona and South Kohala districts are best for it. If you want to see them much closer than go for a camp in Waipi'o Valley. Whales are found abundantly in these areas. The best way to view whales is to go for a boat tour; in this way, you will see every whale next to you. Even other creatures like turtles and sharks are also there.

These are some useful tips for Whale watching Big Island. If you want some trustworthy to take you to this tour, use our full proof services.

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