Kona day trip


Are you planning to spend vacations in Hawaii? Nothing can be more appealing than this tour. Hawaii opens up Kona day trip for all your family. You can spend a great day if you are staying at some Kona resort. Various excursions can be made on a single day when you go for Kona day trip. Plan your trip and search Google maps for routing your way. Select the stops and points for your stay so that you can see everything that comes your way. You can watch many types of scenery, waterfalls during your trip.

Things to do in Kona day trip

First of all, for a Kona day trip, you need a car for exploring every point though it is far away from your hotel. Try to start your journey from the places which are at a longer distance so that at the end, you can shop, eat and relax. Some sites that you must visit during your Kona day trip are listed below.

1. Visit Painted Church

The painted church or called as Saint Benedict Roman Catholic Church is one of the famous churches of Hawaii. You can visit this church anytime during the day. It's an exceptional church, and must visit it, never forget to donate at the door.

2. Pu'uhonua o Honaunau National Historical Park

The next stop you must visit after painted church is the national park. This park is just a few miles away. There was a time when people use to live there under strict laws. The violation of laws causes them death. For securing themselves from the punishment, they run towards refuge house. The national park is the largest refuge, and hence it is situated here. You will love your experience in the park.

3. Kealakekua Bay State Historical Park

Next to National Park is Kealakekua Bay in your Kona day trip. This is a perfect point to relax and rest. You can have your lunch there and then move on to the next stop.

This Kona day trip continues, and you can see all the worthy locations of Kona. You can also use our services.

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